Fire Prevention

Fire Chief Stanton teaching some preschoolers about home safety and 911 recognition and activation

Fire Prevention activities include working with children in the school systems on 911 recognition and activation, home safety, and fire safety. Another prevention activity is creating defensible space around your home if you live in the wildland urban-interface. The goal of the Fire District is to create a FireWise community.

Fire Chief Stanton teaching some preschoolers about home safety and 911 recognition and activation

Here is Fire Chief Stanton teaching some preschoolers about home safety and 911 recognition and activation. This happens twice a year in May and October. Members of the District also went to the Grade school also in October presenting material about home fire safety. As with any program our public education is growing and evolving into something special in Pilot Rock. The future of the program is to evolve into presentations at all school levels and create interest in the fire service. If you are a member of an organization and would like a presentation on fire prevention please contact the Fire District at 443-3473.