Links and Resources

Frequently Used Phone Numbers

Burn line - (541)278-6397

Call before you dig - (877)695-2466

Cascade Gas - (888)522-1130

Cemetery - (541)969-1865

Dispatch - (541)966-3651

EO Waste Mgmt - (541)443-6131

Pacific Power - (888)221-7070

Pilot Rock Post Office - (541)443-6191

Pilot Rock RV Park - 541-443-7401, 541-969-6531, 541-9698645 or email to pilotrockrvpark [at]

Water and sewer services are coordinated at City Hall.  Stop by to provide us your information.  A deposit of $151.02 is required to begin services and is returned after 2 years with a good standing account.